Science Literacy Sub Plan- SCIENTIFIC METHOD
This sub plan is titled "Big Foot and the Scientific Method", it is a useful tool to help encourage scientific literacy in reading, graphing, and making connections to the scientific world.
This is a fun and interesting science sub plan that explores Big Foot- and why he's so hard to study with limited evidence. *This does not suggest that Big Foot exists, nor does it suggest that he does not. The writing is fairly balanced and explores both hearsay and cryptozoology.*
*Class Packet option included to save paper.
Included in the resource you will find the following key terms/topics:
❀ Brief History of the legend of Big Foot❀ Evidence
❀ Hearsay
❀ Apophenia
❀ A brief mention/description of cryptid animals
❀ The Steps of the Scientific Method
❀ Students must design a fun and hypothetical experiment to test whether or not Big Foot is attracted to apples using the steps of the scientific method.
Here is a snippet from Sub Plan L:
"A veterinarian studying Big Foot found a clump of hair while doing field research. She brought it to a lab to be tested, and it was found to contain DNA of unknown primate origin. Another test of the same sample determined that it was unknown primate origin that had also contained human DNA. A third analysis suggested it might be from an opossum. With any experiment, it must be able to be repeated and the results must be able to be obtained multiple times. In this case, that did not happen, which means that the sample of hair collected was most likely impure or contaminated."
Answer key included. Recommended for grades 8 and up.
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