Hi there! Sometimes I get a lot of email and it can take time to reply to them all. Before you contact me directly, you can check these frequently asked questions to see if you can find your answer. If not, please scroll down to the bottom of the page for next steps. Appreciate it!
- Can I post your materials to my class website?
- Does your curriculum support my state standards?
- I need technical assistance opening a zip file.
- I purchased from your online store and need to purchase it again.
- My school would like to make a purchase order.
Other not-so-frequently asked questions:
- I would like some clarification regarding information in a product or how to use a product.
- I found a typo in one of your products.
Q: Can I post your materials to my class website?
A: You may not post my materials online to a website where they are publicly accessible and able to be picked up by a search engine. However, you may post my materials on a password-protected learning management system (e.g., Google Classroom and Canvas) since they are for students’ eyes only.
Q: Does your curriculum support my state standards?
A: My products supports NGSS, TEKS, and most non-NGSS or adopted NGSS states. If looking to purchase the curriculum, please email me with your specific state standards and I will give you an honest answer of what is covered.
Q: I need technical assistance opening a zip file.
A: Please review the following common zip file extraction errors. If you purchased from TeachersPayTeachers, and find that you need further assistance, please reach out to them directly.
Error “Path too long”: this typically indicates that you are trying to extract in a protected or shared folder on a Windows computer. Try to extract onto a user profile folder such as your Desktop or Downloads. This is a more direct path to extract the files (shorter; fewer folders involved).
All other zip file errors: You may also try free and safe-to-use zip file extraction tools found here:
Another type of zip extraction error? If you purchased from my website at biology-roots.com; email me with specific details, including your order number, and the error message.
Q: I purchased from your online store. How can I access my purchase?
A: To access purchases from biology-roots.com/store, please follow this sign in link and use the same email address you used to make your purchase from my online store; this will take you to your purchases for re-download. (if you purchased from TeachersPayTeachers, login and go to to your dashboard to access past purchases).
Q: How can I make a purchase order?
A: Easy! Just fill out this form and I’ll respond 🙂
Q: I would like some clarification regarding information in a product or how to use a product.
A: Very few of my products are complicated in nature, but there are definitely some that need teacher review prior to classroom use (I’m looking at you, Hunger Games!) For these types of products, there are always teacher notes and instructions, and sometimes even videos of the product in action. Please make sure you thoroughly check each folder and file for the teacher notes before contacting me. This is helpful because you may still have questions even after reading and watching videos, but many times your questions will be answered in doing so!
I found a typo in one of your products.
A: First of all, yuck! If you found a typo PLEASE let me know. I will fix it immediately. I hate typos just as much as anyone. And yes, though I do have my products edited, sometimes we miss things! The good news is that it’s not too common, but I would appreciate you reaching out so that I can get you an updated file 🙂
Other Questions.
Thank you for reading my FAQ!
If you’re in a pinch, I also have some more less common answers found here: Biology Roots Solutions
If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, no fear, my email is here!