The school year is winding down and final exams are approaching. Ideally you should plan to have at least a few days for review before the final exams. This post contains some ideas for what to do with that time. However, if you have not covered everything and you have less than a week left, see …
Simple Ways to Reduce Plastic
Simple Options to Reduce Plastic in Your Home When it comes to plastic consumption, I've often thought that as consumers, we are somewhat powerless because mostly everything is packaged in plastic somehow. But then it dawned on me... we do have power. And the goal is small steps here. Think about …
Lesson Planning Tips for Block Scheduling
Block scheduling can seem like downright torture when it comes to lesson planning. But with these tips for planning block scheduling (typically 90 minute blocks), you'll be smooth sailing in no time! Block Schedule Tips: #1: Do not expect perfection. #2: Have a back up plan. #3: …