So, you use notebooks in your classroom but you aren't sure how to grade them. Are you overwhelmed grading notebooks? Or just unclear how to assess? Reading how others grade notebooks can be helpful, so I'm here to reveal my secrets for grading notebooks (interactive notebooks BUT, the same …
Classroom Organization
Classroom Success: 5 Tips for Motivating Plus 7 Tips for Building Confidence
I. Motivation If you are working with students that are non-learners or unmotivated, you may feel that you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. For these students that are simply not motivated, you can encourage them by developing positive relationships with them. I used a lot of humor …
How to Take a Sick Day without the Stress
If there's one thing that proves how essential we are as teachers, it's the fact that taking a sick day is almost like asking an orchestra to play without its conductor. We are so busy that we barely have enough time to get our plans together for the days we're there, never mind time to think …